Custom Cotton Throw Blanket Pricing
Re-orders may only require a minimum order of as few as 25 pieces.
We can design beautiful custom throw blankets for your organization with a few very easy steps. We can use your logo, clip art, photographs, your illustrations, or we can provide the complete blanket design for you. As you read the information below, remember we will help you all the way through the process.
Getting started is easy, call us today and we can guide you through everything you will need for your project. You are only a phone call or email away creating your custom throw blanket.
This page has all the information you need on how to start your custom throw project. You can start by clicking on the links to below to see artwork from previous projects. Whether you are in need of a great fundraising or promotional product our friendly staff will make the process of creating your gorgeous custom blankets easy and affordable for you! Please call or email us today!
Most new throw blanket designs are completed at only a $100 charge
Only a $100 charge on the initial blanket design. Artwork fees are charged for changes to an existing approved throw design. The rate of artwork when applicable is on a quote basis.
sample and artwork notes
Your first sample throw blanket is included with your artwork charge. Artwork and samples can only be produced after the “new project form” and “deposit” have been received.